ActorCore is still pre-v1.0. Please help us by report bugs on GitHub Issues!

Create New Project


Create Project with CLI

Run this command:

npx create-actor@latest

Follow the prompts:

  1. Where would you like to create your project? - Choose your project directory
  2. To which platform would you like to deploy? - Select Node.js
  3. Which template would you like to use? - Select counter, or your template of choice

The CLI will set up your project and install all dependencies automatically.


Start Development Server

Start your development server with:

cd your-project
npm run dev

This will start your ActorCore server in development mode.



In a separate terminal, run the auto-generated test client:

npx tsx tests/client.ts
# Outputs:
# Event: 5
# RPC: 5

Run this again to see the state update.



Request a guide for deploying Node.js to your preferred cloud provider on GitHub Discussions.

Integrate With Existing Projects

If you already have a Node.js project and want to add ActorCore, you can follow these steps for manual integration. This approach gives you more control over how ActorCore fits into your existing codebase.


Install Packages

# Install ActorCore
npm add actor-core @actor-core/nodejs

Create Actor

Create a new file for your actor at src/app.ts:

import { actor, setup } from "actor-core";

// Create actor
const counter = actor({
  state: { count: 0 },
  actions: {
    increment: (c, x: number) => {
      c.state.count += x;
      c.broadcast("newCount", c.state.count);
      return c.state.count;

// Create the application
export const app = setup({
  actors: { counter },
  cors: { origin: "http://localhost:8080" }

// Export app type for client usage
export type App = typeof app;

Create Entrypoint

Create src/index.ts to start your ActorCore server with:

import { setup, serve } from "@actor-core/nodejs";
import { app } from "./app";


If you already have an existing application and want to mount ActorCore on a subpath, see our Hono integration guide. Remember to specify the same path in config.basePath as where you mount the router.


Create Client

Create a client to connect to your actor in src/client.ts:

import { createClient } from "actor-core/client";
import type { App } from "./app";

async function main() {
	const client = createClient<App>("http://localhost:6420");

	const counter = await client.counter.get();

	counter.on("newCount", (count: number) => console.log("Event:", count));

	const out = await counter.increment(5);
	console.log("Action:", out);

	await counter.dispose();



Start your development server with:

npx tsx src/index.ts

Then run the client in another terminal with:

npx tsx src/client.ts
# Outputs:
# Event: 5
# Action: 5

Run this again to see the state update.

Available Regions

Node.js can only run in one region at the moment. See Rivet and Cloudflare Workers for supporting multiple regions.

Next Steps