Actions are how clients & other actors communicate with actors. Actions are defined as functions in the actor configuration and can be called from clients.


Actions are very lightweight. They can be called hundreds of times per second to send realtime data to the actor.

Writing Actions

Actions are defined in the actions object when creating an actor:

import { actor } from "actor-core";

const mathUtils = actor({
  state: {},
  actions: {
    // This is an action
    multiplyByTwo: (c, x) => {
      return x * 2;

Each action receives a context object (commonly named c) as its first parameter, which provides access to state, connections, and other utilities. Additional parameters follow after that.

Private Helper Functions

You can define helper functions outside the actions object to keep your code organized. These functions cannot be called directly by clients:

import { actor } from "actor-core";

// Private helper function - not callable by clients
const calculateFee = (amount) => {
  return amount * 0.05;

const paymentProcessor = actor({
  state: { 
    transactions: [] 
  actions: {
    // Public action - callable by clients
    processPayment: (c, amount) => {
      const fee = calculateFee(amount);
      // Process payment logic...
      c.state.transactions.push({ amount, fee });
      return { amount, fee };

Streaming Return Data

Actions have a single return value. To stream realtime data in response to an action, use events.

Calling Actions

Calling actions from the client is simple:

import { createClient } from "actor-core/client";
import type { App } from "./src/index";

const client = createClient<App>("http://localhost:6420");
const counter = await client.counter.get();
const result = await counter.increment(42);
console.log(result); // The value returned by the action

Calling actions from the client are async and require an await, even if the action itself is not async.

Type Safety

The actor client includes type safety out of the box. When you use createClient<App>(), TypeScript automatically infers action parameter and return types:

import { setup } from "actor-core";

// Create simple counter
const counter = actor({
  state: { count: 0 },
  actions: {
    increment: (c, count: number) => {
      c.state.count += count;
      return c.state.count;

// Create and export the app
const app = setup({
  actors: { counter }

export type App = typeof app;

Error Handling

Actors provide robust error handling out of the box for actions.

User Errors

UserError can be used to return rich error data to the client. You can provide:

  • A human-readable message
  • A machine-readable code that’s useful for matching errors in a try-catch (optional)
  • A metadata object for providing richer error context (optional)

For example:

import { actor, UserError } from "actor-core";

const user = actor({
  state: { users: [] },
  actions: {
    registerUser: (c, username) => {
      // Validate username
      if (username.length > 32) {
        // Throw a simple error with a message
        throw new UserError("Invalid username", {
          code: "invalid_username",
          meta: {
            maxLength: 32
      // Rest of the user registration logic...

Internal Errors

All other errors will return an error with the code internal_error to the client. This helps keep your application secure, as errors can sometimes expose sensitive information.

Schema Validation

Data schemas are not validated by default. For production applications, use a library like zod to validate input types.

For example, to validate action parameters:

import { actor, UserError } from "actor-core";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define schema for action parameters
const IncrementSchema = z.object({
  count: z.number().int().positive()

const counter = actor({
  state: { count: 0 },
  actions: {
    increment: (c, params) => {
      // Validate parameters
      try {
        const { count } = IncrementSchema.parse(params);
        c.state.count += count;
        return c.state.count;
      } catch (err) {
        throw new UserError("Invalid parameters", { 
          code: "invalid_params",
          meta: { errors: err.errors }

Native runtime type validation is coming soon to ActorCore.


By default, clients can call all actions on an actor without restriction. Make sure to implement authentication if needed. Documentation on authentication is available here.

Using ActionContext Type Externally

When writing complex logic for actions, you may want to extract parts of your implementation into separate helper functions. When doing this, you’ll need a way to properly type the context parameter.

ActorCore provides the ActionContextOf utility type for exactly this purpose:

import { actor, ActionContextOf } from "actor-core";

const counter = actor({
  state: { count: 0 },
  actions: {
    increment: (c) => {
      return incrementCount(c);

// Simple helper function with typed context
function incrementCount(c: ActionContextOf<typeof counter>) {
  c.state.count += 1;
  return c.state.count;

See Helper Types for more details on using ActionContextOf and other type utilities.