Scheduling is used to trigger events in the future. The actor scheduler is like setTimeout, except the timeout will persist even if the actor restarts, upgrades, or crashes.

Use Cases

Scheduling is helpful for long-running timeouts like month-long billing periods or account trials.


c.schedule.after(duration, fn, ...args)

Schedules a function to be executed after a specified duration. This function persists across actor restarts, upgrades, or crashes.


  • duration (number): The delay in milliseconds.
  • fn (string): The name of the action to be executed.
  • ...args (unknown[]): Additional arguments to pass to the function., fn, ...args)

Schedules a function to be executed at a specific timestamp. This function persists across actor restarts, upgrades, or crashes.


  • timestamp (number): The exact time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch when the function should be executed.
  • fn (string): The name of the action to be executed.
  • ...args (unknown[]): Additional arguments to pass to the function.

Scheduling Private Actions

Currently, scheduling can only trigger public actions. If the scheduled action is private, it needs to be secured with something like a token.

Full Example

import { actor } from "actor-core";

const reminderService = actor({
  state: {
    reminders: {}
  actions: {
    setReminder: (c, userId, message, delayMs) => {
      const reminderId = crypto.randomUUID();
      // Store the reminder in state
      c.state.reminders[reminderId] = {
        scheduledFor: + delayMs
      // Schedule the sendReminder action to run after the delay
      c.after(delayMs, "sendReminder", reminderId);
      return { reminderId };
    sendReminder: (c, reminderId) => {
      const reminder = c.state.reminders[reminderId];
      if (!reminder) return;
      // Find the user's connection if they're online
      const userConn = c.conns.find(
        conn => conn.state.userId === reminder.userId
      if (userConn) {
        // Send the reminder to the user
        userConn.send("reminder", {
          message: reminder.message,
          scheduledAt: reminder.scheduledFor
      } else {
        // If user is offline, store reminder for later delivery
        // ...
      // Clean up the processed reminder
      delete c.state.reminders[reminderId];